Code of Conduct WRC Members

Weymouth Rowing Club

Codes of Conduct

June 2022



Child or Children


Anyone under the age of 18.

Club Welfare Officer (CWO)

The designated individual at Weymouth Rowing Club (WRC) club whose responsibilities include overseeing the Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Adults at Risk Policies.


Coach or Coxswain

An individual who develops the skills and abilities of one or more rowers, through imparting of technical knowledge, and/or guiding practical activity, and/or supporting or coordinating activity.


Code of Conduct

The set of behavioural standards which establishes as the expected minimum standards of behaviour.


Competition /Regatta

An organised group of rowing races sanctioned by British Rowing or the Cornish Pilot Gig Association (CPGA) in which the result of each race is determined by the order in which boats are placed at the finish, or a processional race, being a race in which boats are started at intervals of time or distance and of which the result is determined by means other than the order of arrival at the finish but may also include other rowing events sanctioned by British Rowing or CPGA.


Conflict of Interest

A situation in which an individual has competing interests or loyalties or there may be a perception of or actual bias.



All participants in rowing, including children, parents/carers, participants, competitors, coaches, coxswains, umpires, marshals, volunteers and spectators.



A person who is eligible to compete in Junior class events, as defined by the CPGA.



A paid or unpaid individual with a role in a club or event that contributes to the running or coordination of club or event activities.  This includes members of the committee and club trustees.



Any individual who takes part or is involved in any capacity in a rowing activity, competition or event.


Social Media

Media designed to be disseminated through social interaction. Social media use internet and web-based technologies to communicate with one another and receive news, information and entertainment. Types of Social Media include networks like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp,

YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok, and also blogs and podcasts


An individual who freely gives their time to contribute to the running of a club. They may or may not be a paying member of a rowing club


Weymouth Rowing Club


  1. Introduction


The conduct and behaviour of all individuals involved with Weymouth Rowing Club (WRC) is fundamental to the ability of the club to operate fairly, appropriately and in the best interests of the whole rowing community.


This Code of Conduct (which follows the guidance issued by British Rowing) is applicable to all those participating in Rowing, supporting a participant in Rowing, and individuals associated with Weymouth Rowing Club or an affiliated Club or Event.


How to use this document


Section 2, The Rights of Individuals, applies to everyone in Rowing no matter at what level, or involvement.


Section 3 sets out the Code of Conduct for All Participants and Carers of Children involved in Rowing and describes behaviours which are specific to the role you may hold.


Section 4 sets out the Code of Conduct for Coaches, Coxswains, Officials, Umpires and Volunteers.


The final section is relevant to any individual working with Junior Rowers.


All individuals should be aware of both the general and particular requirements of conduct that apply to them and must appreciate that it is their personal responsibility to fulfil them on every relevant occasion.  If there is any doubt, they should seek advice.


Breaches of the Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct prohibits conduct ranging from serious criminal acts to unsportsmanlike behaviour or a lack of courtesy.  Not all breaches will justify the taking of formal disciplinary action.  Affiliated Clubs and Events will be able to resolve, formally or informally, many issues arising from breaches occurring within their own activities in accordance with their own disciplinary and grievance procedures.  Weymouth Rowing Club encourages all individuals to work together in a collaborative manner to identify and resolve minor breaches.  Any significant or repeated breach of this Code of Conduct may be investigated under the appropriate disciplinary or grievance procedures.  Reports or complaints should be made in the first instance to the Club Welfare Officer or another appropriate Club Officer.  In addition to the outlined expectations in this document, all individuals should be knowledgeable of, and abide by other Safeguarding and welfare polices produced by Weymouth Rowing Club.



  1. Rights of Individuals


Everyone in rowing has the right:


  1. to participate in Rowing
  2. to enjoy safe participation in Rowing without fear or harassment
  3. to be respected and treated as individuals at all times
  4. to receive support for their individual needs
  5. not to be pressurised to train or compete
  6. to be communicated with in a manner which reflects respect and care
  7. to be treated in accordance with WRC and CPGA Codes, Regulations, Rules and Policies
  8. to enjoy an environment free of discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, and pregnancy and maternity
  9. to challenge discrimination in whatever form it takes
  10. to enjoy an environment free of sexual harassment, sexual abuse and any behaviour that could be construed as abuse
  11. to make a complaint, and to be heard and have their complaint acted upon in accordance with the disciplinary and grievance procedure of Weymouth Rowing Club.


  1. Code of Conduct for All Participants and Parents or Carers of Children involved in Rowing


All individuals must understand that their own competitive aspirations or those of other members of the rowing community do not ever justify failure to promote and follow WRC’s Code of Conduct, Regulations, Rules and Policies.


All individuals should:


  1. adhere to the letter and the spirit of CPGA Codes, Regulations, Rules and Policies, and those of Weymouth Rowing Club, an Event or relevant organisation;
  2. be aware of and follow the policies and procedures in place to ensure the health, safety and well-being of all individuals in Rowing;
  3. follow the directions of coaches, coxswains, umpires and officials of a Club, Event or relevant organisation;
  4. be a positive role model at all times;
  5. act in a sportsmanlike way during training and competition;
  6. not act in any way that would result in an actual or potential conflict of interest.


All individuals must:


  1. not engage in acts of verbal or physical abuse;
  2. respect the rights, dignity and worth of other Participants, and not discriminate;
  3. not allow any form of discrimination or victimisation to go unchallenged;
  4. not engage in bullying or any other behaviour that could reasonably be viewed as inappropriate;
  5. avoid inappropriate relationships which involve one person having a position of authority or influence over another;
  6. not carry out any acts for the purpose of cheating or the manipulation of competition;
  7. not use or encourage others to use illicit drugs whilst participating in rowing or assisting others in rowing;
  8. not drink alcohol, or be under the influence of prior drinking of alcohol, whilst participating in rowing, or coaching, coxing or assisting others in rowing.


Parents or Carers of Children involved in Rowing


Parents can help create a positive sporting environment by being role models for children. In addition to above requirements.


Parents / Carers should:


  1. focus on and encourage their child’s efforts, learning and enjoyment of all aspects of their involvement in Rowing;
  2. work with the club and/or coach/coxswain to ensure that the level and type of participation is appropriate to their child’s stage of development;
  3. encourage fair play and sportsmanship;
  4. never engage in or tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour;
  5. ensure that their children understand the requirement to follow the rules of their club and of Events and Competitions and to adhere to CPGA Codes, Regulations, Rules and Policies.


Parents / Carers must:


  1. not force children to participate in the sport or place undue pressure on them;
  2. conduct themselves with respect for coaches, coxswains and officials of the club, event or competition, and other participants, supporters and parents.


  1. Code of Conduct for Coaches, Coxswains, Officials, Umpires and Volunteers


Anyone with a position of authority should lead by example.  Everyone should conduct themselves with a high degree of honesty, integrity and competence.


Coaches, Coxswains, Officials, Umpires and Volunteers should:


  1. create an environment of inclusivity;
  2. be aware of and follow the policies and procedures in place to ensure the health, safety and well-being of all participants in Rowing;
  3. recognise the rights of all Participants to be respected, treated as equals, with their dignity preserved;
  4. recognise the rights of Participants to seek advice from other coaches and experts;
  5. be appropriately discreet in any conversations about Participants, coaches or any other individuals;
  6. display control, respect, dignity and professionalism to all involved in Rowing, accepting responsibility for their actions;
  7. maintain up-to-date knowledge and understanding of developments within Rowing relevant to their role and have a commitment to ongoing continuing professional development to ensure safe and correct practice;
  8. work respectfully with other organisations, ensuring that required levels of communication, collaboration and permissions are observed;
  9. promote good practice in others and challenge any poor practice they observe;
  10. demonstrate proper personal behaviour and conduct at all times;


Coaches, Coxswains, Officials, Umpires and Volunteers must:


  1. not behave or conduct themselves in any manner which could bring the sport of Gig Rowing its affiliated clubs and Competitions into disrepute;
  2. act equitably in officiating and combat discrimination on the basis of gender, age, race, colour, sexual orientation, political opinion, etc.
  3. conduct an appropriate risk assessment before undertaking any Rowing related activities, ensuring the environment is as safe as possible and referring to WRC Safety Policy for guidance;
  4. take action to report concerns they may have about behaviour towards a child or adult at risk in accordance with club Safeguarding policies and guidelines;
  5. maintain an environment free of fear and harassment;
  6. observe appropriate boundaries and relationships with their participants;
  7. not behave in a manner that could be seen as abuse of any kind;
  8. ensure any physical contact is appropriate and necessary, and is carried out within the recommended guidelines and only with the participants’ full consent and approval;
  9. not assume responsibility for any role which they are not qualified or prepared for, or mislead others as to the level of their qualification or competence;
  10. maintain confidentiality and comply with any data protection legislation.


Any Individual working with Juniors


In addition to the above, anyone working with junior rowers must be familiar with, follow and promote the CPGA and Club Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy and Guidance documents.


Individuals must:


  1. recognise that the welfare of Children is paramount, and that the need to ensure that Children are protected is a primary consideration and may override the rights and needs of those adults working with them;
  2. follow British Rowing’s guidance on the use of social networking services and Social Media, and text and email messaging;
  3. observe appropriate boundaries and relationships with juniors including use of contact and in language and communication;
  4. always be publicly open when working with children, and avoid coaching, meetings or situations where a child or children and the individual are completely unobserved; work with the child’s parent/carer to ensure that the level and type of participation is appropriate to the child’s stage of development.

New Rower Sessions - Adults, Juniors or re-joining?

To find out more about adult and junior rowing and to register your interest please follow the link below.

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