WRC Safeguarding Policy
Weymouth Rowing Club Safeguarding Policy
Weymouth Rowing Club (WRC) acknowledges its responsibility
to safeguard the welfare of all children involved in WRC from
WRC confirms that it adheres to the CPGA’s Safeguarding
Policy and the procedures, practices and guidelines and
endorse and adopt the Policy Statement contained in
that document and any successor policy.
The CPGA Safeguarding Policy is appended below
The Key Principles of the CPGA Safeguarding Policy are that:
• The welfare of the child is, and must always be, paramount
to any other considerations.
• All participants regardless of age, gender, ability or disability,
race, faith, culture, size, shape, language or sexual identity
have the right to protection from abuse or harm.
• All allegations or suspicions of abuse, neglect, harm and
poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to
swiftly, fairly and appropriately.
• Working in partnership with other organisations, statutory
agencies, parents, carers, children and young people is
essential for the welfare of children.
• Children have a right to expect support, and personal and
social development delivered by an appropriately recruited,
vetted adult, in relation to their participation in rowing and
rowing-related activities.
WRC recognises that all children have the right to participate in
sport in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment whilst at the
Weymouth Rowing Club
Charitable Incorporated Organisation; 1166755
same time being protected from abuse, neglect, harm and poor
practice. WRC recognises that this is the responsibility of
everyone involved, in whatever capacity, at the club.
WRC will implement and comply with the WRC Code
of Conduct.
The Club Safeguarding Officer is Jenna Stone,
• If you witness or are aware of an incident where the welfare
of a child has been put at risk you must, in the first instance,
inform the Club Safeguarding Officer, who will then inform
the WRC Trustees.
• If an incident involves the Club Safeguarding Officer you
should inform one of the Trustees directly, details available
on the Club website; http://www.weymouthrowingclub.com
All members of WRC who work with children must undertake a
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and confirm details
to the Club Safeguarding Officer.
WRC will ensure that its coaches, coxswains and organisers
receive the support and training appropriate to their position and
Any events held on WRC premises must comply with this Policy
and if appropriate a Safeguarding Plan should be discussed
and circulated to those affected.
Weymouth Rowing Club,
November 2023